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Wednesday, January 9, 2013

30 Day Challenge

Hello Bloggy World!

So I am still kind of new to this blog thing....but I really,really want to be successful at it! So to get myself in  habit and for some creative ideas I have decided to do this 30 day challange! It will allow you to get to know a little bit more about me, so I hope you enjoy the posts!


30 Day Challange
1.       A photo of yourself
2.       A photo of something you ate today
3.       Your favorite store
4.       Picture of you and your best friend
5.       A photo of you 2 years ago
6.       A photo of an animal you’d love to keep as a pet
7.       Your dream wedding
8.       A song and photo to match your mood
9.       A photo of the last item you purchased
10.   Your favorite thing to eat
11.   What’s in your makeup bag
12.   A photograph of your town
13.   Your favorite musician and song they wing
14.   A T.V. show you’re addicted to
15.   Something you don’t leave your house without
16.   A photo of you and your family
17.   Your celeb crush
18.   Something you crave
19.   A picture of your pet(s)
20.   The meaning behind your blog name
21.   A photo of something that makes you happy
22.   How was your day?
23.   20 facts about you
24.   What’s in your purse
25.   Something you miss
26.   How has your life changed since 5 years ago
27.   Put your iPod on shuffle and list the first 10 songs
28.   Your favorite movie
29.   Something you could never get tired of doing
30.   A photo of yourself today and 3 good things that have happened in the past 30 days
Stay Pretty!!


Sunday, January 6, 2013

Sunday Social-I'm Linking Up

1. Do you plan to change any of your eating habits in the new year?

I already changed my eating habits in August, you can read more about it in Thursdays post! In 2013 I plan on keeping up with the Ideal Protein Program

2. Any workout tips to get us back in shape after the Holidays?

I like to do yoga,pilates,and take my doggy on walks!

3. What is your favorite thing you did over the Holidays?

Oh this is an easy one! I LOVE spending time with my family. We were lucky enough to see both families this year. Mine for Thanksgiving and Chris's for his graduation/Christmas

4. What is something you hope that you accomplish in 2013 that you did not in 2012?

Reach my goal weight and wear a cute swimsuit this summer!

5. Name 3 things happening this year you are excited about and why.

2 neices/nephews being born
reaching my goal weight
spending lots of time on adventures with the hubby because he is finally DONE with school woohoo!!

Sunday Social

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Weekly Weigh In


Hope you are all having a Terrific Thursday! (cheesy much :)).  Thursdays are one of my most favorite days of the week! On Thursdays I get to go visit my Ideal Protein coach and weigh in for the week!

Since this is my first post on here about IP let me give you a little back ground...it's a lot to explain so this is taken straight from the Ideal Protein Website:

"Learn to live off of the body's own fat reserves. The body employs energy from three reserves: glycogen (carbohydrate), protein and fats. First from it’s simple and complex carbohydrate reserves and when depleted, turns simultaneously to its protein and fat reserves for energy. A person not in need of weight loss typically has approximately 1-2% of their body's reserves from carbs, approximately 19% from their muscle mass and 79% of their body reserves from fat.
Simple and complex carbohydrates can prevent weight loss. The body stores approximately three days worth of carbohydrates, therefore, our protocol restricts sugars (simple and complex) until 100% of your weight loss goal is achieved…why? Because, as long as sugar is being consumed, your body may not be burning fat. Remember, the first source of energy is derived from glycogen (carbohydrate) reserves. Therefore, the core principle of the Ideal Protein Protocol is to deplete the glycogen (carbohydrate) reserves completely, in order to compel the body into consuming its fat reserve to burn calories.

Phew....are you still with me?? So to sum it up I eat virtually no carbs, but lots of protein and lots of green veggies. It's hard but it is soooo worth it! I've only been on the program since September and I have already lost 30 pounds!

Anyway...back to why Thursdays are so great....I get to see my progress! When I started this program, I promised myself that I would only weigh with my coach so that flucuations during the week didn't discourage me. I love stepping on the scale {fat girl say what?!} and seeing the progress I've made!

So at today's weigh in...

only down .6 from last week,the holidays were hard for me! but I did okay, I didn't gain and that's a success for me! I did the math today and I'm hoping to be at my goal weight by June/July. Any cute swim suit suggestions??

stay pretty--

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

'No Excuses'

Happy New Year!! I cannot believe that 2012 has come and gone! The older that I get, the fasters the days,months,weeks, and years go by! 2012 was definently a different kind of year for me. The majority of this year was by far not my favorite. I was depressed and unhealthy....I had gained ober 50 pounds in the last 12 months and I was not happy with where I was in my career. Not to mention I was as homesick as I think someone could be. But things turned around in August, I decided that my attitude and how I experienced this life was up to me. So I made some changes, I got a new job (which I LOVE) and I started a new healthy lifestyle. By the beginning of December I felt like a whole new woman!
That being said, I have come up with my personal motto for 2013 which will be.....

No Excuses

I will be implimenting this motto in all aspects of my life, I am not allowing myself to make anymore excuses for the things that I am unhappy with. Anything that is a part of my life that I have control over will be the way I want it! In order to help myself stick to this attitude I have set some goals
  • Continue on Ideal Protein and hit my goal weight (160)
  • Exercise at least 3 times a week
  • Keep a Journal (i'm using this blog) to track the peaks and pits of everyday
  • Have Scripture Study/Devotional Time daily
  • Make an effort to stop over analyzing everyting
  • Spending more time with the people that I love
I am doing this for me. To remind myself of how strong I am. To change the things that I have always been too afraid to change. Not to prove anything to the world. I am letting go of the fear of making mistakes, and I am going to learn to get back up when I fall.
I am so excited for all that this year has to hold! I am grateful for new beginnings and chances to become a better person. I hope that you will follow me on my journey to give me encouragement and maybe I can inspire someone out there as well!
As Always...Stay Pretty

Friday, November 9, 2012


You may or may not know this about me but i LOVE nail polish. I paint my nails at least twice a week. So, you can understand why I couldn't contain my exitement when I found out about this....
lala Lists
can't wait!! Today is the last day to sign up so hurry over there and get your name on the list!!!

post signature

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

I'm back :)


Sorry I haven't posted in a little while, as you can see I have been making some changes! But I am back, and I am excited to get going on some great tutorials and posts about pretty things!! Keep checking back for lots of fun things and if there is anything that you would like to see on the blog please let me know!!

post signature

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Serious Things...

Hello Pretties...

Today I am posting about a serious matter, one that is very dear to my heart. Before you go any further...if you do not have nice things to say...please do not continue reading this post.

You may or may not know, but this month is Bullying Awareness Month.

 Did you know?
{click to view larger}

 Those statistics make me so sick. And although it may not be as widely recognized, the bullying does not always end with high school. Many adults are bullied for the lifestyle,career,and religious choices that they make. Sometimes a person is bullied for something that isn't their choice...for the way the look or they may possibly have a disability.

But, we CAN do something, we can take a stand against bullying.

So the next time that you think something negative about someones choices, please stop and think before saying anything. That is someones somebody special. That is someones mother,father,brother,sister or friend.

So as the old adage goes "If you can't say anything nice, please do not say anything at all"

So with that I challange you....for the rest of October try to only uplift and encourage those around you. Make someones day just a little bit better, let others know that they are important beautiful people with full lives to lead.

Just something to think about...the world sure would be a lot prettier without bullying and negativity.